IISER Bhopal

Faculty /


Ritam Mallick
Associate Professor

Academic Details

  • Sep., 2015 - Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Science Education & Research Bhopal, Bhopal, India
  • Apr., 2013 – July, 2015 Post Doctoral Fellow, Frankfurt Institute for Advanced studies, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
  • July, 2011 - Mar. 2013 Post Doctoral Fellow, Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, India
  • Apr., 2010 - Jun., 2011 Research Associate, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
  • Mar. 2010 Ph.D in Science, Jadavpur University (Bose Institute), Kolkata, India (Title : Nonequilibrium Phenomena in high Energy Nuclear Physics and Cosmology)


  • Nuclear Astrophysics, General Relativity, Phase transition, Hydrodynamics
  • Ritam Mallick mostly works in the field of Nuclear Astrophysics related to neutron stars (NS's). His main interest is to study the astrophysical phase transition (PT) occurring in NS's. This involves the hydrodynamic evolution of the PT front via shock waves. His research also involves the study of the equation of state (EoS) of the stellar matter and the recent constraints on the masses of NS's.
  • Magnetic (B) field in some stars (Anomalous X-ray pulsars and soft gamma repeaters) is another area of his interest. The magnetic field evolution and the deformation of NS's due to such strong B fields is an open problem. The high density and ultra-strong B fields in NS's can also lead to mesonic condensate in stars. Such astrophysical events of PT and star's deformation due to B fields leads to various observational signatures like gamma-ray bursts and gravitational wave emission which are his current research areas.

Ritam Mallick
Associate Professor

# Authors Title Journals Year
1 Sagnik Chatterjee
Kamal Krishna Nath
Ritam Mallick
Deciphering accretion-driven starquakes in recycled millisecond pulsars using gravitational waves Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2024
2 Sagnik Chatterjee
Harsha Sudhakaran
Ritam Mallick
Analyzing the speed of sound in neutron star with machine learning The European Physical Journal C 2024
3 Shamim Haque
Ritam Mallick
Shashikesh Kumar Thakur
Effects of onset of phase transition on binary neutron star mergers Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2024
4 Pratik Thakur
Sagnik Chatterjee
Kamal Krishna Nath
Ritam Mallick
Prospect of unraveling the first-order phase transition in neutron stars with f and p1 modes Physical Review D 2024
5 Anshuman Verma
Ritam Mallick
Shock waves in (1 + 1-dimensional) curved space-time Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2023
6 Sagnik Chatterjee
Ritam Mallick
Kamal Krishna Nath
I-Love-Q relations for a generic family of neutron star equations of state Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2023
7 Ritam Mallick
Anshuman Verma
Study of general relativistic shocks and their propagation in neutron stars Journal of High Energy Astrophysics 2022
8 Ritam Mallick
Prasad R
Spin-down induced quark-hadron phase transition in cold isolated neutron stars Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2022
9 Debojoti Kuzur
Kamal Krishna Nath
Ritam Mallick
Tidal effect on the gyroscopic precession around a compact star International Journal of Modern Physics D 2022
10 Sagnik Chatterjee
Ritam Mallick
Debojoti Kuzur
General relativistic calculation of magnetic ?eld and power loss for a misaligned pulsar Journal of High Energy Astrophysics 2022
11 Ritam Mallick
Debojoti Kuzur
Rana Nandi
Semi-empirical relation to understand matter properties at neutron star interiors European Physical Journal C 2022
12 Debojoti Kuzur
Ritam Mallick
Prasad R
Shailendra Singh
Examination of the multitude of signals from the phase transition of a neutron star to a quark star Physical Review C 2022
13 Ritam Mallick
Gravitational wave signatures of phase transition from hadronic to quark matter in isolated neutron stars and binaries Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2022
14 Ritam Mallick
Shailendra Singh
Rana Nandi
Maximum mass of hybrid star formed via shock-induced phase transition in cold neutron stars Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2021
15 Debojoti Kuzur
Ritam Mallick
Frame-dragging effects in obliquely rotating magnetars Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy 2021
16 Ritam Mallick
Shailendra Singh
Prasad R
Gravitational wave signature from phase transition of a combusting neutron star to quark star Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2021
17 R Prasad
Ritam Mallick
Gravitational Waves from the Phase Transition of NS to QS Astrophysical Journal +Astrophysical Supplement 2020
18 Kamal Krishna Nath
Ritam Mallick
Effect of rotation and magnetic field in the gyroscopic precession around a neutron star European Physical Journal C 2020
19 Rupamoy Bhattacharyya
Debojoti Kuzur
Ritam Mallick
Acceleration of charged particles in rotating magnetized star Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 2020
20 Shailendra Singh
Ritam Mallick
Time-like detonation in presence of magnetic field Laser and Particle Beam 2019
21 Mohammad Irfan
Ritam Mallick
Combustion adiabat and the maximum mass of a quark star Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2019
22 Ritam Mallick
Shailendra Singh
Magnetized Taub adiabat and the PT characteristics of magnetic neutron stars Physical Review C 2019
23 Ritam Mallick
Dynamical Phase transition in neutron stars Astrophysical Journal +Astrophysical Supplement 2018
24 Ritam Mallick
Amit Singh
Effect of magnetic field on the burning of a neutron star International Journal of Modern Physics E 2018
25 Rana Nandi
Ritam Mallick
Igor Mishustin
Leonid Satarov
Nonequilibrium phase transition in compact stars through a violent shock Physical Review C 2015
26 Ritam Mallick
Stefan Schramm
Veronica Dexheimer
Abhijit Bhattacharyya
On the possibility of rho-meson condensation in neutron stars Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2015
27 Ritam Mallick
Stefan Schramm
Deformation of a magnetized neutron star Physical Review C 2014
28 Ritam Mallick
Stefan Schramm
Oblique magnetohydrodynamic shocks: Space-like and time-like characteristics Physical Review C 2014
29 Ritam Mallick
Pradip Kumar Sahu
Phase transitions in neutron star and magnetars and their connection with high energetic bursts in astrophysics Nuclear Physics A 2014
30 Ritam Mallick
Maximum mass of a hybrid star having a mixed-phase region based on constraints set by the pulsar PSR J1614-2230 Physical Review C 2013
31 Ritam Mallick
Abhijit Bhattacharyya
Sanjay K Ghosh
Sibaji Raha
32 Ritam Mallick
Rajesh Gopal
Sanjay K Ghosh
Sibaji Raha
Suparna Roychowdhury
Solving a relativistic hydrodynamic equation in the presence of a magnetic field for a phase transition in a neutron star Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 2012
33 Ritam Mallick
Monica Sinha
Possible conversion of a neutron star to a quark star in the presence of high magnetic field Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2011
34 Ritam Mallick
Solving the relativistic Rankine-Hugoniot condition in the presence of a magnetic field in the astrophysical scenario of a neutron star Physical Review C 2011
35 Ritam Mallick
Sarbani Majumder
General relativistic study of the neutrino path and calculation of the minimum photosphere for different stars Physical Review D 2009